I’m Back….Sort Of

Well… it has been a long time since I have actually put a post up, sorry to all of my loyal readers. All I can say is that it has been a crazy couple of months. Some of you may know that I found out over the holidays that a job that I had applied for was offered to me, and I decided to accept the offer. So since early January we have been working hard to prepare for the selling of our house as well as packing and the like.

We got very lucky all around as our home ended up selling in three weeks and we found another house in Michigan where we are moving in the next few weeks and got a good price accepted. So all of the pieces of the puzzle seem to be falling into place. Now we have about 2.5 weeks until we will be moving and a lot of things to accomplish in that amount of time.

Recently I went back to reading my earlier guest posts on moving with kids to allow me to think about what to do to prepare my girls for our departure. The three posts:

The Pre Move
The Move
The Post Move

I know that I have a lot to do to make sure that especially Diva-J can adjust to not only a new home, but also a new school, community, friends, etc, etc, etc.

With the new job, I will do what I can to be able to blog again as I can, but I do appreciate your patience as things are changing in the Divadom!

If there are any topics that you are interested in me talking about in the future, please let me know.

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