Archive for September, 2008

Project 365 (58/365) – Through My Daughters’ Eyes

September 30, 2008

IMG_0089, originally uploaded by dadofdivas.

Today’s installment is brought to you compliments of my daughters’ fisher price digital camera. It’s fun to watch what she finds interesting and important! Enjoy!

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Project 365 (57/365) – A Tower In The Distance

September 30, 2008

100_4329, originally uploaded by dadofdivas.

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Million Dollar Man v.1.1

September 29, 2008

So in updating to Dad with v.1.1, we will be talking about the concept of patience and the building of patience within oneself.

Have patience with all things, but chiefly have patience with yourself. Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them – every day begin the task anew.

Saint Francis de Sales (1567 – 1622)

I can honestly say that before I was a father I would have called myself a patient person, or at least somewhat patient (there are times when I think it’s just easier to do things myself). Yet, once I became a father my patience has been pushed to the limit many times. So what have I found to assist myself in becoming at least somewhat more patient? I have put together a list of ten things that may help you to upgrade yourself to a bigger and better dad.

  1. Walk away, walk far away – When I find myself losing my cool, or becoming impatient, I at times will remove myself from the situation and away from the offender until I have cooled off. I then can have a lucid conversation with the children. They may still end up at the same place from which they started
  2. Expect the unexpected – All parents should know that the unexpected will happen, so don’t worry about it and let things happen around you. If things happen the way you want, great, if not, move on and don’t look back
  3. What are your triggers? – Identify the things that set you off. Are these things that you can change? If the answer is no, then you need to find another way to stay away from those triggers as much as possible.
  4. This will take time – Realize that learning to be patient does not happen overnight and for most, it takes a lot of time and effort.
  5. Slow Down – Are you in a hurry? Is life flying by you? Slow down and enjoy the time you have – you only have this instance, this second right now, treasure it!
  6. Breathe – If you find yourself getting impatient and frustrated, take the time to stop, breaths and concentrate on what it is that you must do to get back in control and find your center and bearings so that you can move forward.
  7. Don’t sweat the small stuff – Remember the things that truly matter, don’t get caught up in thinking that things have to be done in one certain way. Let things go if they are not done in the exact way you want them to be done.
  8. Lower your expectations – Especially if we are talking about children, don’t set your bar up so high that only you can reach. Be reasonable and let your expectations reflect this as well.
  9. Laugh – Sometimes the best way to break up your impatience is to see the humor in the situation and let the laughter fly! Perfection is not attainable no matter how we try, so have fun with your imperfection and laugh at your self when you get the chance!
  10. Love – React with love when situations do occur (as they always will).

    I hope that this will allow you to upgrade yourself. Watch for your next upgrade becoming available next week!

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Project 365 (57/365) – Looking Skyward

September 29, 2008

100_6790, originally uploaded by dadofdivas.

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Six Random Things

September 27, 2008

I’m always amazed that anyone actually reads my blog so it was a surprise to me when I was tagged by Notes From One Mom for this meme!

Here are the rules:
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write 6 random things about yourself.
4. Tag 6-ish people at the end of your post
5. Let each person know he/she has been tagged
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

Here are my six random things:

1. I enjoy sinfing Barbershop Music…especially the Baritone part, but can sing all parts but Bass.

2. I am trying to teach myself to play guitar – slowly but surely.

3. I am a morning person, usually will wake up at sometime around 5 or 5:30 to work on email, posts, etc while it is quiet around the house.

4. My mom was admitted to the hospital yesterday…we are still waiting on tests, but she is in good spirits and we are hoping for the best.

5. I am a bit messy, but am working on it daily

6. I am a work-a-holic…which is yet another trait I am working on trying to control

I’m tagging these bloggers!

1) Barb of Half Past Kissing Time
2) Elliott of 21st Century Dad
3) Barb of World of Weasels
4) Matt of DC Urban Dad
5) Josh of Raging Dad
6) Mishele of Secret Agent Mama

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Project 365 (56/365) – My Own Person Aquarium

September 27, 2008

100_6779, originally uploaded by dadofdivas.

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Project 365 (55/365) – On The Banks of Lake Michigan

September 27, 2008

100_6787, originally uploaded by dadofdivas.

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Project 365 (54/365) – Peaceful Slumber

September 26, 2008

MVC-005S, originally uploaded by dadofdivas.

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10 Ways to Pull Off The Perfect Disagreement

September 25, 2008

How many of you are not good with disagreements? How many of you would love to have some toold to take with you in regards to pulling off a better disagreement in the future? If you answered in the affirmative to either of these I encourage you to go over to the below link where I am guest posting today! I hope you enjoy the post and look forward to your comments!

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Wordless Wednesday #20 (53/365) – Sisters

September 24, 2008

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